Thursday 29 November 2012

Good bye, Facebook

I’m in freaking bad mood

I just tried to log in to my Facebook account. You know what happened? I couldn’t! Some stupid haceker must’ve thought it would be funny if I couldn’t log in anymore,

Well, if you’re reading this, I hope you go to TARTARUS! 

It would’ve been okay to me except this is the THIRD TIME this happened to me!!! Why me??!! WHY??!!!
I wondered how (and why) hackers do this. They’re, like, wasting all their efforts and smarts that could’ve just been used to help people like gov’t agencies, or saving the Yellow Bellied Sapsucker. 

I hate hackers now. And the Internet too, at the moment. So I’ve decided to just read books and swear off  Facebook for life. It’s boring for me, anyways.

So, I’ll just read. Three strikes means I'm out.

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