I was like,"Oooooooohhh." coz I've always wanted to be in the Film biz.
I kept day draeming about my life as a Hollywood director. I would go further than making 3 minute clips about fake girls throwing around their fake hair that's all shiny and smooth "because of the aloe vera extracts" as they talk in their fake accents.
DIRECTOR ME boy version |
I filmed and filmed and filmed. The stuff was random; I couldn't even remember what the movie was about. But I felt really happy when I realized I had already finished my very first film.
I sat on the couch and I when I saw my film, I was thoroughly disappointed. My film looked nothing like ET or Cinderella or High School Musical or even sappy and gross and cliche Twilight!
My film was a bunch of noisy, rowdy videos that had terribble sound and mis-arranged videos.
I was so low I was beyond the depth of the Marianas Trench.
Of course, I was in my brightest mood possible after my grandma gave me ice cream.
A few years later, when the problems I had were now more mature and important, I read the Diary of A Wimpy Kid book that was about Filming, I was bummed out that the contents had nothing to do with the misadventures of Gregory H.
Although, the book made me realize that filming took a lot of processes.
And the most basic part of it is having your own video editing software.
My first thought was,"There's a video editing software?"
I could already imagine 1st Grade me using Windows MovieMaker, which was according to the internet, the most used video editing software of students yet.
Yet, I thought, coz I haven't made one yet. . . .
We had a video editing lesson using Windows Movie Maker. It was quite easy. I think 1st Grade Me could have figure out how to use it easily.
And to think! If I had known about it before, I could've been a director with my own star on the Walk of Fame by now!
Okay, I'm in Super Big Headed Mode again. . . .
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