Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Woes of A Movie Lover

Summer's finally here!

Sadly I'm not in the mood for it. I'm quite bored. And since most of my friends are scattered all around the big land mass that is Region V, I have nothing to do with my life.

To think, I looked forward to this the entire freaking year. . . . . . -- __--

I miss my schoolmates: my friends, my annoying acquaintances, my classmates, clubmates, study mates, cheatmates and even the bitches that give me a god reason to lift my middle finger.

And now I'm missing all the tests and homeworks and "surprise" quizzes my teachers give me too...... Oh God, what the F*** is happening to me!!!

Instead of moping round looking at the ceiling and missing my textbooks(WTF?!), I'll think of what I'd love to do but can't when there's homework.....

I love watching movies.

I find them very interesting. They're like documented scenes of a person's life. I don't care if the movie's setting is in a parallel universe or the world after the most gruesome war that happened in history!

I love books.

They're extremely diverse and give me a wider imaginary world that I can explore.

I like both because you get to see the main character's development and such. The main character's the one that experiences the harsh challenges while I am beside him, learning as well.

I noticed that these days a whole lot of books are being turned into movies; Les Miserables, Pitch Perfect, Delirium (or so they say and so I wish), Beautiful Creatures, The City of Bones, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the Percy Jackson Series, the Avengers(comic BOOK), etc.

I'm not particularly overjoyed by this. Of course I'd love to see the Barden Bellas and Jesse and Percy Jackson and Lena and Jean Valjean and all my other favorite characters on the big screen.

it's just that it seems to me the movie makers are running out of ideas.......

Although, there are still movies that are pretty good. Silver Linings Playbook, Argo, Red Dawn.


Most of the really good movies don'y get to show here......


The theaters here are showing The Last Exorcism (maybe nice), Must Be Loved(Kathiel, ew) and another one that I forgot the name.

I vsited one freaking website and saw that there were so many good movies shwing in America and I'm stuck here watching Kathryn and Daniel entange themselves in another love story where I wont watch the ending because I already know wht will happen.

Can my situation be any more tragic?

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