Saturday 15 September 2012

Searching and My Other (Scary) Personality

Hello! It's me again! I told ya that I'd return!

Anyways,I'm here at home now. It's a 4-day weekend which means more time for R an R, but like I said the last time, Sir Tom is going to give us a test. And I'm eager(or so my room mates and mother told me) so I'm currently researching on stuff that we'll probably have to answer. See, I tend to get jumpy when there's a test after the weekend because if I fail, I'd feel really Stupid 'coz I had a lot of time during weekends. If I do fail, my conscience is gonna keep asking me,"What did you do this weekend? Nothing! You were a Stupid little girl thinking you could past the yest without reviewing! Sssstuuupiiidd..... Ssttttuuupppiiidd!!!!"

So, I put on my Serious face every time there's an upcoming test. It scares Mommy sometimes. And sometimes even the helpers.

So I spend a lot of time researching on this and that and I'd still feel unSure because I'm really scared of the word 'Failure".

The annoying thing is sometimes I research too much and, like, 60% of it isn't even included in the freaking test!! Or at other times I research the wrong things. Say the test was about Wireless Networks. If I wasn't listening I would think that the test was about Network Connectors. And then...... TADAAH! Automatic wasted weekend AND failed test!

I keep reminding myself whenever I hear Sir/Ma'am say the word test to listen up because Upcoming Test + Misheard Teacher = Failed Test.

I had problems about our broadband this morning 'coz I couldn't receive load. So I couldn't surf the Web. I was really frustrated because I really, really, REALLY need to use the Internet. I'm not exactly the most patient person my family knows and when I get really annoyed, Scary Sophia tends to come out.

I yelled at the time of my lungs(that caused our dog to yelp), forcefully tried to remove the broadband out and almost broke it, threw it to the floor(don't worry! It landed on the sofa) and shut down the laptop even if the windows were still open and wrote in my diary in big bold letters:


It's suprising how an empty stomach could turn me Ms. Scary in a matter of seconds.

Suddenly, I received a text on my phone. My phone already had a lot of texts so I decided to delete some. While I was scrolling, I read a GM I received the other night. Then, I suddenly realized when the GM said "Happy loooooong weekend" that our test was on THURSDAY, not Monday!

I groaned, copy pasted the tabs and closed windows. Well, Scary Sophia just turned into Stupid Sophia.

Well, now here I am, entertaining myself after I repeatedly bonked my head on my pillow. I hurts a bit, but I guess I deserve it. Bye for now. I'm hungry and Scary Sophia might come out again.....

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