Thursday 13 September 2012

Hey there! This is Pia Pie! I'm in our Computer Lab right now. Hey! I'm not 'illegally' surfing the web! We're having Blogging as a lesson. How cool is that? For me, the best lesson this quarter is this. It's saying much because the rest was for surfing the web and being flame warriors, etc.

You may be wondering why I chose Silly, Serious, Sassy, Sweet as my title. Well, it is a basic sum up of my personality. I don't know why I have this whole different personalities' thing. I just catch myself having a changing mood each day. On some days, I could sit alone in a corner and ponder why life sucks(emo alert!) and on others, I'll be a stupid ray of sunshine at home(which annoys my cousins to death).

I am loving Computer Science these days. Hands on is the best way I learn. And Sir just gave us a test for next week. Not loving it anymore....

Good bye for now. I'm going to search for other people I know on this site. I'll make sure I'm not as ignorant this weekend. Come again to read my blog. Remember: I shall return!

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