Saturday 29 September 2012

Web Paging

I’m considering about being a website maker.

Sir Tom taught us how to make a web page. Okay, it’s not yet a web site, but I’ve still got 5 years of high school ahead of me.  

It’s kind complicated. The whole making of the web page thing. And it’s turning out to be just like Mathematics; make one false move and, BOOM! The whole thing ends up wrong. That’s why you only have to be so careful.

The other hard part of this is remembering all of the tags. There’s at least 20 tags, and each of ‘em has a special role.
<td> table data     <h1> heading                     <font = “italic”  font size = “12” color = “red”> 
<tr>  table row      <body>defines the body    <html> html

But forgot anything it may be okay. But never ever forget <html>. This is the most important thing in my experience as a web page maker (although it’s not even been a week).

I’m trying hard in reviewing and memorizing them all. We have a Long Test on Monday and I’m determined to get a perfect score like an ox is determined to beat the matador holding the red sheet into a big squishy pulp!

That’s how determined I am! I’m so determined, I’m already thinking of violent example at this early in the morning!

There’s another reason I want to get a perfect score.
See, before I wanted to make a website. A social networking site. You know, like Facebook. I thought if it became a smash hit, I could be the youngest self-made millionaire!

And when I become rich, I’ll dedicate it to the Computer Lab, which helped me practice my future web site making skillz.

High hopes? Sure. Impossible? Not quite. ;)

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