Friday 5 October 2012

Predicting the Future(lessons)


Our 2nd Grading Quarter is over! I'm, like, super mega happy!

Only 2 more quarters and I'm home free! Free! FREEEE!!!!! So long, suckers!

Sorry. My pSychopath  side is coming out.

But hey! It's still true! Only two more quarters and I'm allowed to rest and relax again.Although, while school's still in session, I'm going to try and learn a lot.

I'm expecting new lessons in Computer Science this quarter. Sir Tom might not have told us what they are but I'm to use my hidden Sorceress self and guess, I men divine what we will take up this quarter....

Foresight Number 1: Installing

 So in the first quarter we took up on how a computer works and on the second how the Internet works so we're kinda out of options here. Sir Tom said back in I dunno, July perhaps that we're gonna start using the computer in lessons starting 2nd quarter. The key word is starting so there's no definite end. And since we're down with computer and internet, maybe the next is installing.

Foresight Number 2: Fixing

In the first quarter we did troubleshooting lesson. Sir lectured us on it but we never got to really fix anything. So maybe, just maybe, we're gonna do it this time.

Foresight Number 3: Website making

Our final lesson in the 2nd quarter was wabpage making. And there's a heck of a whole lot more difference from webpage and website. See, even in the words themselves there's already a difference.
Foresight Number 4: Viruses and Hacking
 So there's a troubleshooting lesson, right? How can you toubleshoot, though, if there's no trouble to shoot at? And Sir Tom said once that a few people hacked the Pentagon and instead of going to jail they were hired by the nutters at Pentagon. Sir Tom said he was not teaching us how to jack because it's ''bad'', but it's not gonna be if I managed to hack the CIA and become the youngest hacker/genius the world hs ever known.

Woah.... headache. I think my Sorceress powers are malfunctioning. I mean, hacking the CIA? I think thats impossible. Or they're so well they can see intothe distant future!

Hhhhmmm. .  . either way, if my hunches are right or not, I think this quarter's gonna be F-U-N.

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