Saturday 20 October 2012

To Addicted to The Internet

I know people get addicted to thing like toys, cars, books)guilty), nail polish or whatever there is out there. 

So the normal good things become bad because these people make them into something bad.

These days, there’s a new form addiction. The most  gruesome kind. No, not drugs, or alcohol, or cigarettes.The one that’s in people of all shapes and sizes, all ages, all classes. It’s Internet addiction.

The Internet a wonderful thing. It helps us connect with people. It helps us express ourselves. It helps us gain information.

But more and more people are getting addicted to this. Those who can’t survive a day without updating their FB status, without ranking up un their game, without talking with somebody or without reading his/her fave celebrity’s newest tweet.

 Sure, it is important for you to get social, but why not go out and be social with real people, who you can see face to face in person. Not on a computer screen.

Too much of a good thing is bad. I once read that some guy died for using the Internet, non-stop with no sleep, no bathroom breaks and no snacks for 44 hours!! Okay, I don’t understand why he would do that. 

And how he forgot everything important, just because of the web?

Net. Web. Trap words. Their like warnings, because if you think of them all the time, you really are trapped in its alluring arms.

But it’s not too late. It’s never too late. How about going out for fresh air after reading this post. It’ll make you feel better. Big time.

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