Sunday 21 October 2012

The World I Prefer

I know that people LOVE the Internet. Why not? It's near perfection. You can meet and talk with your friends, see them in pictures. You can explore sites. You can search for anything you want and receive an immediate reply. Find out what your favorite celebrity is doing, if she's fine or she broke up her new boyfriend that you TOTALLY don't like. You can shop for anything, ANYTHING, just by typing it in. Without the hassle of trying to search shelves, or go floor/store hopping at the mall.

All this, in one click of a mouse.

But, Wouldn't you miss being outside? Seeing the world, getting active and exercising not just your finger? Being outside offers a lot more things you would not believe.

You get to see your friends in person, not just as a frozen face that stares at you unblinking. They may be their best faces, nut isn't seeing their real faces make it a whole lot better? You can even hear their voice. And see their emotions play around their faces. Better than an animated emoticon.

In researching, at least you can see it in person. Like an orange. And unlike in the monitor, you can hold it. Feel it. Smell it. Write your first person point of view, not just the opinion of a stranger.

And wouldn't you want to check the condition of what your buying yourself? To be sure the ad that caught your eye was telling the truth? And maybe the nice salespeople can give you a better brand, a better object to buy.

It's the world I prefer. When the tree I see has a long winding trunk, filled with bugs and little critters that eventually get photoshoped off. Branches filled with green and yellow and brown leaves. And water that's not blue, but gray and sometimes green with the fallen leaves and pondkippers floating around. With the sparkle of the water hurting your eyes that you have to look away.


And that's the way I want it.


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