Friday 19 October 2012

The Cybercrime Law: A User’s Thoughts

On the news, there are people rallying. They are holding placards with No To Cybercrime Law. They have duct taped their mouths.

In my country, there’s a new law everybody’s talking about. The cybercrime law. It says that people who commit crimes on the Web, like identity theft, spamming and cyberbullying, are imprisoned and fined pesos.

God, that sounds harsh. To me, it sounds like you’re taking the user’s freedom away. Making them shut their mouths when they see something wrong.

A person’s criticism is bullying when the person receiving the criticism takes it as so. If every little comment will hurt you, it means that you think you’re perfect. No. You’re far from that.

But what the government is thinking is that they’re protecting people from spamming and such. They think if there is a consequence for their naughty actions, there will be no more crime, and everybody will be happy.

But we don’t need a Consequence. What we need is Discipline on the part of the users. If nobody hurt another person in the first place nobody would’ve thought of drafting the cybercrime law in the first place.

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