Friday 19 October 2012

A Little Mistake

I remember the quote "Size doesn't matter" and "Little things, Big changes" all the time, for a small, four feet ten needs to think I can make a change.

At first, I didn't think this was true but a lot of bad things happen just because of a little mistake.

I experienced it first when my cousin and I got hit by a jeep because I forgot to look at the right side of the street. Because of that, I got a nice little trip at the hospital.

And everyday, drivers get into accidents like falling into cliffs just because they forgot to hit the break. The result? All the passengers die and get injured and the poor driver has to pay the hospital bills. :

In school, it happens all the time. In a Spelling Bee, forgetting the w in awkward turns it to akward and kaput. Bye bye, 1st place.

In Math, make one tiny miscalculation and everything turns out wrong, wrong wrong!

In Computer Science, too. Not making mistakes is very, very very important in making webpages. Because forgetting something, or making a typo makes everything go wrong...

But that's life. We are people. Absolutely imperfect. And we can't change ourselves. We just have to accept it.

Besides, making mistakes is the way we learn more. There's no mistake you can't fix.

And here's a quote I appreciate;

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