Friday 19 October 2012

Why Google?

Hi. Sophia again.Watsup?

Me? I'm not doing much. I'm searching the web on Google.

 I'm sorta wondering why Google is the most favored search engine. There are others,too. Liuke Bing, Yahoo! or whatever search engine I don't know. See? Even I don;t know any other search engine!

Anyways, maybe one day I'LL make the next most used search engine coz come on! Everything has an end. Eventually the employees will get tired of making it, or a hacker kills all the Web Crawlers or was it simply replaced by another site.

What are the things that make us like Google so much? I'm not quite sure but I'll place some hunches:

One: Because it has the fastest Web Crawler
Not quite sure if it does, but I kinda think it has the fastest crawler. I'm always astounded when it says 27000000 results in .32 seconds. Oh My Glob. That many inj a fraction of a second? What kind of sorcery is this?

Two: What I want is always near the top
Okay, I'll tell you something; when I see the results, I only look at the top three results. The Wikipedia result is at the top, the most reliable ones follow behind. And because of that, I don't really go any farther away

Three:The Pictures are High Quality
What I would like in photos are the quality. It won't matter if it reloads slow or quick, just as long as the quality's great, it's project-worthy.

Four: It has Images, Maps and Translators.
These are the things that make Google so awesome. It has a Translator, a Map that cab show you any place and a website just for Images.

Five:Quirky Extras
This is the best. Everyday, there's something different. Like a photo or an illustration. Most of the times ypu can interact with it. And there's Gravity, Snow, Train and whatever "app".

So, the day somebody beats all these features will be the day I discover the Elixir of Life....

But hey,  if I can make an elixir like that, I can best Google into nothingness.... :)

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