Friday 19 October 2012

CSS: Cool way of Showing Self

hey, it's been a while since I've updated. I wanted to really, but thanks to a very strict mother, I was FORCED to do my homework.

Ugh. Pure agony!

Anyways, I'm in the computer lab right now. Sir allowed us to post. I only have 5 out 10 blog posts, so I thought I better start typing!

We just learned a new type of HTML. the one that adds a picture to your background. I was a bit surprised when I realized you only had to type stuff for it to happen.

All my life I thought that kind of stuff was reserved for scientists or professors or hackers or an employee of the Pentagon.

Silly me...

Anyways, viewing my classmates creations, you could see what their hobbies are, whatever stuff they liked. Angel, my seatmate, was a fan of One Direction(who isn't?). She showed it but making her background a series of pics of her favorite Brit boys.

Kobe(no, not the basketball player) and Ian had a webpage filled with NBA picture. They were sporty and could shoot a three-pointer while I can't even aim it at the ring...

Only there were a few exceptions. Kuya Jethro had cute lil' puppies as a background. But that kind of background was reserved for girly girls. And Kuya Jet is NOT a girly girl.

But like we always say, "Walang basagan ng trip!"

I'm a Swiftie, and to show my love and support for her, my whole webpage is a pic of TS and one leads to another webpage filled with TS pictures. :D

See ya. We still have to do IntegSci.

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