Friday 14 December 2012

Am I Famous or Something?

A few moments ago, I’ve been looking for pictures for my English project; “The World Is An Apple”.

It was about a couple who lived in a squatters area near Intramuros. Then the guy got fired for stealing an apple for his kid. Then he tells his wife that he already has a job. The wife was happy because the guy had “changed”. Then Pablo appears. As far as I knew Pablo was a mastermind for robberies and stuff like that. And Mario, the guy, came to him for a job. Then Pablo said a bunch of stuff that said that there is nothing bad with dishonest money. Then the two of them leave the house with the woman, Gloria, screaming “MARIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Our project asked us for a photo of their house. As I typed in ‘squatters area in the Philippines’, I thought nothing was gonna pop up. 

I was surprised when pictures of squatters appeared in less than, I dunno, maybe 5 seconds, And there were like 8 pages left, no less.

Blinking, I wondered how these pictures ended up here. I mean, no by stander would take a picture of their beat-up house right? And I don’t think tourists or escurtionists would take a pic of their visit in the “other” side of town.

So, I decided to type in another thing for my project that I was partly sure would end up with no results: the world is an apple.

The Internet must have liked to correct me because right on top was a picture of an actual apple that had been bitten into, so what was left looked like the continents and landmasses of the earth.

Go figure.

I wondered who these people were, because they seemed like they had an awful lot of free time just to bite into an apple to make it look like the earth. 

Another thing I searched; my name. I was sure that this surely would not come up, since there must be like a billion people with the same name as I.

Then, when the search ended, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Why? 

Guess. Go on!

If you answered that my face, MY face, showed as the top result on the first page(two of them, actually, since I have two inaccessible Facebook accounts), well, you got a correct answer! And what does that get you? NOTHING! Woohoo!

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