Wednesday 26 December 2012

The Slowest Thing I've Ever Known

Merry Christmas, dearest readers! :) 
I was looking forward to my Christmas vacation, since the last week of school in 2012  had a few bad. . . times for me.

But the universe(thanks, universe)got out of its way to give me every students bane: assignments.

Ugh. Just hearing the word makes me shudder.

Anyways, right now I’m searching pics for my groups project for Integrated Science. AND I’m also searching for the script of Alberto Florentino’s The World is An Apple. AND I’m also supposed to search some words for Values Education. AND I also need to update my blog for Computer Science.

Work overload? Maybe. Easy? I thought so.

See, this would’ve been quite EASY for moi, but the internet connection runs so slow I had the time to run from here to China. 

Kidding! But it’s just ssssoooo slow, I wondered if there was such a thing as Snail E-mail.
Well, I have to get back to my assignments now. Sayonara!

Joke for the week:

Q: Who is the fastest singer?

A: Taylor SWIFT!

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