Saturday, 23 February 2013

Running for the Second Time!!!

I like games where you seem to be chased or chase something. I love games with beautiful graphics and a lot of power ups.

Now, I have a love: Temple Run 2.

Take the idol if you wanna be chased by a gorilla
The new game is so awesome, I can’t wait for my money day! One of my friends has it (already) and, since I already tested it out, I know it won’t be a waste of money.

The characters and the graphics look sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than the old one. So better than it looks like the old version looks like a 13 year old made it(no offense to the graphics artist, of course).

And now, instead of being chased by a lot of monkeys, you get chased by a MONSTER GORILLA! I have no idea why primates hate adventurers, but hey! It’s probably coz they stole the only thing valuable to their little monkey hearts.

What’s annoying about the gorilla is that when you trip, he can get so close to you that you can effin’ see where you’re going!

And now, the new version is a bit more of a crybaby (sensitive). One wrong move and you’ll be falling from the temple of the clouds.

Me, in Super Big Headed Mode

Progress. It’s like a river; it’ll never stop continuing. As long as life is here, as long as your mom nags you about your chores, it’ll be here.

Some people say the future is now. Well, it is, really. Compare our lives to the very first homo sapiens, then you’ll be see my point.

But sometimes I wish I did live in the past. You know why? Well, since every basic out there has been already thought of by some dead guy in the past that we call ‘genius’, there’s none left, right?

I mean, not that I’m bragging or anything, but some of these other ‘revolutionists’ have really basic ideas. Like the lightbulb for instance. When I was, like, in 4th grade, I already figured out how it worked.

But, of course, times are different nowadays. Maybe in the future, there will be a great invention that some blogger (or whatever they call it then) will say “I wish I lived in their time! I could’ve thought of it. . . . “

i could have thought of this..."
Then, I would smack ‘em in the head and say,”No you wouldn’t! Now shattap and freakin’ appreciate it!”

Sounds harsh?

The Four Elements

I really liked Avatar: The Legend of Aang. The fact that some people could connect with the elements in their environment really make me smile. It’s like, in another world, people really had a connection with their environment. With practice, you could be a master of bending your own element.

What if that is true now? Would there also be some kind of competition where the person who can bend like a boss gets a prize? Or you can prank your friends using you awesome bending powers?

I have no idea how to feel, of course. I mean, I have always loved the show, but if it was true to life, it wouldn’t be fair. Some people could bend while others couldn’t?

And sometimes, the element you can bend can not necessarily help either. C’mon people! What’s the use of Earth bending when you have machines to do the work for you?

Let’s just that I prefer this world to the arm waving, feet prancing and fire breathing world of Aang.

Please, don’t try to bend at home. You already look like a dork; don’t try acting like one.


Daedalus's New Labyrinth

Daedalus was the most brilliant mortal Greek that had ever (been said) to live. He was the creator of the Labyrinth, which he used to try to escape Death. The Labyrinth is a connection of rooms and tunnels meant to confuse ordinary people and even Death.
Daedalus has passed away and so has his Labyrinth. But Death hasn’t prevented him from making another. . . .
Meet, Windows 8, Daedalus’s new labyrinth.
Okay, I know I’m being harsh, but come on people! It’s kinda confusing coz now, Start takes over the entire screen. And there are a bunch of these little boxes that change like a chameleon whenever I scroll the cursor over to it.
And I remember when I used it the first time. I wanted to shut down the freaking computer but. . . .
where's the off button?
My cousin: Why don’t you turn the freaking computer off.
Me: Can’t find the Shut Down button.
My Cousin: Here, let me! Where was it again?
See? Even my cousin that was using it for, like, 3 days forgot.
Sometimes, I wanna approach the genius who came up with the idea and slap him in the face. C’mon! Windows 7 had no flaw (in my opinion)! And you know what they say; If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Oh well. What’s done is done, I guess. But don’t comerunningtome ifsomebody ever sues them of getting a headache coz of ‘Windows 8 Confusion’.

Friday, 22 February 2013

My Favorite (Talking) Cat

As I have said in my previous post, I have seen the Talking Tom App.

My roomate and close friend has the Tslking Tom 2, which is funnier to me.

I find Talking Tom really really really funny. The way the voices always turn out sounding like a chimpunk that inhaled helium makes me ROFL.

Tom, scared of a paperbag
And the fact that Ben the Dog can scare him into jumping up so high that he ends up hanging on the lamp! Hahahaha! Priceless!

And there's this question mark button that, if you press, will make Tom grab something from his back and use it makes me laugh. His complaints when you touch the yoyo (with sounds vaugely like "C'mon!") and when Ben smashesthe cake into his face are funny to me.

He makes me remember the yellow dude in Dora that always sings "I'm the grumpy old troll, who lives under the bridge, hey!", even though they have nothing in common. 

What I (nor my classmate) can never figure out what I laugh about is when he tries to give you a rose and he rub his foot on the ground.

When this happens,I tell my classmate, "Take it and Angela's gonna kill you."

And then I burst out laughing so hard til my stomach hurts. All the while, she'sgonna look at me with one eyebrow raised.

And when I see her expression, I laugh again.

So what if you think I'm silly.

For me, that's a compliment.

a Robot Life

It's nearing March and every student knows one thing. . . .

It's almost summer!

But, of course, something has to kill that joy. And, for me, that is the requirements our teachers gave.

You know how teachers always give you a problem when you think you're home free?

We're scholars, so the hardness of the work is doubled. We have to pass projects, assignments, reports, term papers, etc. Add the every day homework and a sprinkle of everyday troublesand worries of teenage life and you got yourself a moutain that will make Olympus Mons look like a molehill.

As I thought this through while looking at my laundry that needed to be packed, I wondered if I lived in another time,or another life. A life where robots do our chores, solve our problems, clean the bed, solve RAEs (if you don't know this, I'm happy for you) and other life troubles.

Robots will help us one day. You might think I should consider the robots feelings. But it's a ananimate object! It has no feelings, no thoughts or no other thing to do but help us while we laze around.

Imagine a life where you just have to watch the robot do your chores andyour laundry and make thedescisionsand do the Algebra homework and run to the grocery store.

But.... what if your mom has a robot too? A robot that will nag you all day long because it has nothing else to do?

Mombot: You!
Me: What, Robot?
Mombot: Don't talk to me like that! You're still too young to sass!
Me: Fine, whateves.
Mombot: Is your room clean?
Me: Yes, Madame. My robot is cleaning it.
Mombot: Do it yourself! You've got four limbs that aren't broken!
Me: What's the use of the robot if I do the chores?
Mombot: I said you're too young to sass! Now DO IT!

Imagine that happening everyday for therest of your life, every week, every day,every hour, every moment. . . . .


I'd take handling my own homework any day!

App App and Awaay!!

People theses days love smartphones. Almost everyone is dying to have one(or two, or three). But sometimes I wonder why people go gaga over it. I am an owner of a BlackBerry, but I like it because it is quite easy to use and to type with.

While pondering over this question,I noticed that my dorm mates were occupied with their own smartphones.

I peeped over as to what they were doing that was so important that they could not see gawking observing them as the gears in my head turn.

Then, I saw they were all preoccupied by.....


(you're getting closer)


One of my friends was playing TapTap,which was like Guitar Hero, minus the guitar frets.

Her fingers were pressing the screen so fast she reminded me of Flash.

My two Kathniel fangirl friends had downlaoaded the Wattpad app, and were reading Kathniel fan fictions. I sighed. Wasn't it enough that these two had every project with each other? No offense to all the Kathniel fangirls/boy/gays.

Another one was using the Talking Tom app. She held it to the two Kathniel lovers, so whenever even one of them lauched into her 'Fangirling' mode (which, BTW, wasgoing crazy shrieking and saying Oh May Gawd) when they read a romantic scene, their voices would be replayed a few octaves higher.

And since they already had soprano voices, the sound coming out almost made the glass shatter.

I then realized that I was OP (out of place) again.

But thenagain, I'm not the type of girl that goes with the flow.

Course not! Where's the fun in that?