Friday 22 February 2013

App App and Awaay!!

People theses days love smartphones. Almost everyone is dying to have one(or two, or three). But sometimes I wonder why people go gaga over it. I am an owner of a BlackBerry, but I like it because it is quite easy to use and to type with.

While pondering over this question,I noticed that my dorm mates were occupied with their own smartphones.

I peeped over as to what they were doing that was so important that they could not see gawking observing them as the gears in my head turn.

Then, I saw they were all preoccupied by.....


(you're getting closer)


One of my friends was playing TapTap,which was like Guitar Hero, minus the guitar frets.

Her fingers were pressing the screen so fast she reminded me of Flash.

My two Kathniel fangirl friends had downlaoaded the Wattpad app, and were reading Kathniel fan fictions. I sighed. Wasn't it enough that these two had every project with each other? No offense to all the Kathniel fangirls/boy/gays.

Another one was using the Talking Tom app. She held it to the two Kathniel lovers, so whenever even one of them lauched into her 'Fangirling' mode (which, BTW, wasgoing crazy shrieking and saying Oh May Gawd) when they read a romantic scene, their voices would be replayed a few octaves higher.

And since they already had soprano voices, the sound coming out almost made the glass shatter.

I then realized that I was OP (out of place) again.

But thenagain, I'm not the type of girl that goes with the flow.

Course not! Where's the fun in that?

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