Saturday 23 February 2013

Daedalus's New Labyrinth

Daedalus was the most brilliant mortal Greek that had ever (been said) to live. He was the creator of the Labyrinth, which he used to try to escape Death. The Labyrinth is a connection of rooms and tunnels meant to confuse ordinary people and even Death.
Daedalus has passed away and so has his Labyrinth. But Death hasn’t prevented him from making another. . . .
Meet, Windows 8, Daedalus’s new labyrinth.
Okay, I know I’m being harsh, but come on people! It’s kinda confusing coz now, Start takes over the entire screen. And there are a bunch of these little boxes that change like a chameleon whenever I scroll the cursor over to it.
And I remember when I used it the first time. I wanted to shut down the freaking computer but. . . .
where's the off button?
My cousin: Why don’t you turn the freaking computer off.
Me: Can’t find the Shut Down button.
My Cousin: Here, let me! Where was it again?
See? Even my cousin that was using it for, like, 3 days forgot.
Sometimes, I wanna approach the genius who came up with the idea and slap him in the face. C’mon! Windows 7 had no flaw (in my opinion)! And you know what they say; If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Oh well. What’s done is done, I guess. But don’t comerunningtome ifsomebody ever sues them of getting a headache coz of ‘Windows 8 Confusion’.

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