Friday 22 February 2013

a Robot Life

It's nearing March and every student knows one thing. . . .

It's almost summer!

But, of course, something has to kill that joy. And, for me, that is the requirements our teachers gave.

You know how teachers always give you a problem when you think you're home free?

We're scholars, so the hardness of the work is doubled. We have to pass projects, assignments, reports, term papers, etc. Add the every day homework and a sprinkle of everyday troublesand worries of teenage life and you got yourself a moutain that will make Olympus Mons look like a molehill.

As I thought this through while looking at my laundry that needed to be packed, I wondered if I lived in another time,or another life. A life where robots do our chores, solve our problems, clean the bed, solve RAEs (if you don't know this, I'm happy for you) and other life troubles.

Robots will help us one day. You might think I should consider the robots feelings. But it's a ananimate object! It has no feelings, no thoughts or no other thing to do but help us while we laze around.

Imagine a life where you just have to watch the robot do your chores andyour laundry and make thedescisionsand do the Algebra homework and run to the grocery store.

But.... what if your mom has a robot too? A robot that will nag you all day long because it has nothing else to do?

Mombot: You!
Me: What, Robot?
Mombot: Don't talk to me like that! You're still too young to sass!
Me: Fine, whateves.
Mombot: Is your room clean?
Me: Yes, Madame. My robot is cleaning it.
Mombot: Do it yourself! You've got four limbs that aren't broken!
Me: What's the use of the robot if I do the chores?
Mombot: I said you're too young to sass! Now DO IT!

Imagine that happening everyday for therest of your life, every week, every day,every hour, every moment. . . . .


I'd take handling my own homework any day!

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