Saturday 23 February 2013

Me, in Super Big Headed Mode

Progress. It’s like a river; it’ll never stop continuing. As long as life is here, as long as your mom nags you about your chores, it’ll be here.

Some people say the future is now. Well, it is, really. Compare our lives to the very first homo sapiens, then you’ll be see my point.

But sometimes I wish I did live in the past. You know why? Well, since every basic out there has been already thought of by some dead guy in the past that we call ‘genius’, there’s none left, right?

I mean, not that I’m bragging or anything, but some of these other ‘revolutionists’ have really basic ideas. Like the lightbulb for instance. When I was, like, in 4th grade, I already figured out how it worked.

But, of course, times are different nowadays. Maybe in the future, there will be a great invention that some blogger (or whatever they call it then) will say “I wish I lived in their time! I could’ve thought of it. . . . “

i could have thought of this..."
Then, I would smack ‘em in the head and say,”No you wouldn’t! Now shattap and freakin’ appreciate it!”

Sounds harsh?

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