Saturday 23 February 2013

The Four Elements

I really liked Avatar: The Legend of Aang. The fact that some people could connect with the elements in their environment really make me smile. It’s like, in another world, people really had a connection with their environment. With practice, you could be a master of bending your own element.

What if that is true now? Would there also be some kind of competition where the person who can bend like a boss gets a prize? Or you can prank your friends using you awesome bending powers?

I have no idea how to feel, of course. I mean, I have always loved the show, but if it was true to life, it wouldn’t be fair. Some people could bend while others couldn’t?

And sometimes, the element you can bend can not necessarily help either. C’mon people! What’s the use of Earth bending when you have machines to do the work for you?

Let’s just that I prefer this world to the arm waving, feet prancing and fire breathing world of Aang.

Please, don’t try to bend at home. You already look like a dork; don’t try acting like one.


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