Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Photoshop: for me, and for the insecure

Così, le mie previsioni erano sbagliate. Oops. Sorry. I'm disappointed in myself, so I won't tell you what that meant. Yeah, I'm just that selfish....

So anyways Sir Tom announced before the Sem Break that we would have Photoshoping as a lesson. I'm not quite thrilled with the thought. Don't get me wrong, I have no grudge, but I don't like how other people use it.

I think Photoshop is a software that helps people with insecurities. Or the perffectionists that desperately need public's approval....

See, I think the Photoshop has no use. Really. I mean you can do what you want on a set that can be done there. Want to make it bright? Then add lights. You want it to be dark? Well, turn them off!

 Seriously, I don't see any reason to make Photoshop because using them to "improve" a photo erases the efforts of the photographer in making the shot look beautiful.

 Just think that you were the guy that took the picture. You spent hours trying to find the right angle, days to find the perfect subject and weeks of retaking and retaking. Then, you're proud of what you did. But when they opened it on Photoshop, they clicked on a scroll then BAM!! All the work you did, gone... gone.... gone with the wind.....

And I know some people use Photoshop to make themselves look cuter, hotter, prettier, sexier or whatever good -er adjective you want. But come on, man! Accept who you are!

 Besides, making a billion people believe that you look like Emma Watson or Logan Lerman aint gonna help your chances of finding a boy/girlfriend! In fact, they'll dislike you a whole lot more once they see that your profile picture is SO heavily edited that you can't see the original one.

Although, I don't know why Photoshop was made so if you guys know, or if you disagree with me, say so in the comment box below.

But please, remember the human.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

The World I Prefer

I know that people LOVE the Internet. Why not? It's near perfection. You can meet and talk with your friends, see them in pictures. You can explore sites. You can search for anything you want and receive an immediate reply. Find out what your favorite celebrity is doing, if she's fine or she broke up her new boyfriend that you TOTALLY don't like. You can shop for anything, ANYTHING, just by typing it in. Without the hassle of trying to search shelves, or go floor/store hopping at the mall.

All this, in one click of a mouse.

But, Wouldn't you miss being outside? Seeing the world, getting active and exercising not just your finger? Being outside offers a lot more things you would not believe.

You get to see your friends in person, not just as a frozen face that stares at you unblinking. They may be their best faces, nut isn't seeing their real faces make it a whole lot better? You can even hear their voice. And see their emotions play around their faces. Better than an animated emoticon.

In researching, at least you can see it in person. Like an orange. And unlike in the monitor, you can hold it. Feel it. Smell it. Write your first person point of view, not just the opinion of a stranger.

And wouldn't you want to check the condition of what your buying yourself? To be sure the ad that caught your eye was telling the truth? And maybe the nice salespeople can give you a better brand, a better object to buy.

It's the world I prefer. When the tree I see has a long winding trunk, filled with bugs and little critters that eventually get photoshoped off. Branches filled with green and yellow and brown leaves. And water that's not blue, but gray and sometimes green with the fallen leaves and pondkippers floating around. With the sparkle of the water hurting your eyes that you have to look away.


And that's the way I want it.


Saturday, 20 October 2012

To Addicted to The Internet

I know people get addicted to thing like toys, cars, books)guilty), nail polish or whatever there is out there. 

So the normal good things become bad because these people make them into something bad.

These days, there’s a new form addiction. The most  gruesome kind. No, not drugs, or alcohol, or cigarettes.The one that’s in people of all shapes and sizes, all ages, all classes. It’s Internet addiction.

The Internet a wonderful thing. It helps us connect with people. It helps us express ourselves. It helps us gain information.

But more and more people are getting addicted to this. Those who can’t survive a day without updating their FB status, without ranking up un their game, without talking with somebody or without reading his/her fave celebrity’s newest tweet.

 Sure, it is important for you to get social, but why not go out and be social with real people, who you can see face to face in person. Not on a computer screen.

Too much of a good thing is bad. I once read that some guy died for using the Internet, non-stop with no sleep, no bathroom breaks and no snacks for 44 hours!! Okay, I don’t understand why he would do that. 

And how he forgot everything important, just because of the web?

Net. Web. Trap words. Their like warnings, because if you think of them all the time, you really are trapped in its alluring arms.

But it’s not too late. It’s never too late. How about going out for fresh air after reading this post. It’ll make you feel better. Big time.

Friday, 19 October 2012

The Cybercrime Law: A User’s Thoughts

On the news, there are people rallying. They are holding placards with No To Cybercrime Law. They have duct taped their mouths.

In my country, there’s a new law everybody’s talking about. The cybercrime law. It says that people who commit crimes on the Web, like identity theft, spamming and cyberbullying, are imprisoned and fined pesos.

God, that sounds harsh. To me, it sounds like you’re taking the user’s freedom away. Making them shut their mouths when they see something wrong.

A person’s criticism is bullying when the person receiving the criticism takes it as so. If every little comment will hurt you, it means that you think you’re perfect. No. You’re far from that.

But what the government is thinking is that they’re protecting people from spamming and such. They think if there is a consequence for their naughty actions, there will be no more crime, and everybody will be happy.

But we don’t need a Consequence. What we need is Discipline on the part of the users. If nobody hurt another person in the first place nobody would’ve thought of drafting the cybercrime law in the first place.

Cybercrime Law: Boon or Bane?

Why Google?

Hi. Sophia again.Watsup?

Me? I'm not doing much. I'm searching the web on Google.

 I'm sorta wondering why Google is the most favored search engine. There are others,too. Liuke Bing, Yahoo! or whatever search engine I don't know. See? Even I don;t know any other search engine!

Anyways, maybe one day I'LL make the next most used search engine coz come on! Everything has an end. Eventually the employees will get tired of making it, or a hacker kills all the Web Crawlers or was it simply replaced by another site.

What are the things that make us like Google so much? I'm not quite sure but I'll place some hunches:

One: Because it has the fastest Web Crawler
Not quite sure if it does, but I kinda think it has the fastest crawler. I'm always astounded when it says 27000000 results in .32 seconds. Oh My Glob. That many inj a fraction of a second? What kind of sorcery is this?

Two: What I want is always near the top
Okay, I'll tell you something; when I see the results, I only look at the top three results. The Wikipedia result is at the top, the most reliable ones follow behind. And because of that, I don't really go any farther away

Three:The Pictures are High Quality
What I would like in photos are the quality. It won't matter if it reloads slow or quick, just as long as the quality's great, it's project-worthy.

Four: It has Images, Maps and Translators.
These are the things that make Google so awesome. It has a Translator, a Map that cab show you any place and a website just for Images.

Five:Quirky Extras
This is the best. Everyday, there's something different. Like a photo or an illustration. Most of the times ypu can interact with it. And there's Gravity, Snow, Train and whatever "app".

So, the day somebody beats all these features will be the day I discover the Elixir of Life....

But hey,  if I can make an elixir like that, I can best Google into nothingness.... :)

A Little Mistake

I remember the quote "Size doesn't matter" and "Little things, Big changes" all the time, for a small, four feet ten needs to think I can make a change.

At first, I didn't think this was true but a lot of bad things happen just because of a little mistake.

I experienced it first when my cousin and I got hit by a jeep because I forgot to look at the right side of the street. Because of that, I got a nice little trip at the hospital.

And everyday, drivers get into accidents like falling into cliffs just because they forgot to hit the break. The result? All the passengers die and get injured and the poor driver has to pay the hospital bills. :

In school, it happens all the time. In a Spelling Bee, forgetting the w in awkward turns it to akward and kaput. Bye bye, 1st place.

In Math, make one tiny miscalculation and everything turns out wrong, wrong wrong!

In Computer Science, too. Not making mistakes is very, very very important in making webpages. Because forgetting something, or making a typo makes everything go wrong...

But that's life. We are people. Absolutely imperfect. And we can't change ourselves. We just have to accept it.

Besides, making mistakes is the way we learn more. There's no mistake you can't fix.

And here's a quote I appreciate;

CSS: Cool way of Showing Self

hey, it's been a while since I've updated. I wanted to really, but thanks to a very strict mother, I was FORCED to do my homework.

Ugh. Pure agony!

Anyways, I'm in the computer lab right now. Sir allowed us to post. I only have 5 out 10 blog posts, so I thought I better start typing!

We just learned a new type of HTML. the one that adds a picture to your background. I was a bit surprised when I realized you only had to type stuff for it to happen.

All my life I thought that kind of stuff was reserved for scientists or professors or hackers or an employee of the Pentagon.

Silly me...

Anyways, viewing my classmates creations, you could see what their hobbies are, whatever stuff they liked. Angel, my seatmate, was a fan of One Direction(who isn't?). She showed it but making her background a series of pics of her favorite Brit boys.

Kobe(no, not the basketball player) and Ian had a webpage filled with NBA picture. They were sporty and could shoot a three-pointer while I can't even aim it at the ring...

Only there were a few exceptions. Kuya Jethro had cute lil' puppies as a background. But that kind of background was reserved for girly girls. And Kuya Jet is NOT a girly girl.

But like we always say, "Walang basagan ng trip!"

I'm a Swiftie, and to show my love and support for her, my whole webpage is a pic of TS and one leads to another webpage filled with TS pictures. :D

See ya. We still have to do IntegSci.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Predicting the Future(lessons)


Our 2nd Grading Quarter is over! I'm, like, super mega happy!

Only 2 more quarters and I'm home free! Free! FREEEE!!!!! So long, suckers!

Sorry. My pSychopath  side is coming out.

But hey! It's still true! Only two more quarters and I'm allowed to rest and relax again.Although, while school's still in session, I'm going to try and learn a lot.

I'm expecting new lessons in Computer Science this quarter. Sir Tom might not have told us what they are but I'm to use my hidden Sorceress self and guess, I men divine what we will take up this quarter....

Foresight Number 1: Installing

 So in the first quarter we took up on how a computer works and on the second how the Internet works so we're kinda out of options here. Sir Tom said back in I dunno, July perhaps that we're gonna start using the computer in lessons starting 2nd quarter. The key word is starting so there's no definite end. And since we're down with computer and internet, maybe the next is installing.

Foresight Number 2: Fixing

In the first quarter we did troubleshooting lesson. Sir lectured us on it but we never got to really fix anything. So maybe, just maybe, we're gonna do it this time.

Foresight Number 3: Website making

Our final lesson in the 2nd quarter was wabpage making. And there's a heck of a whole lot more difference from webpage and website. See, even in the words themselves there's already a difference.
Foresight Number 4: Viruses and Hacking
 So there's a troubleshooting lesson, right? How can you toubleshoot, though, if there's no trouble to shoot at? And Sir Tom said once that a few people hacked the Pentagon and instead of going to jail they were hired by the nutters at Pentagon. Sir Tom said he was not teaching us how to jack because it's ''bad'', but it's not gonna be if I managed to hack the CIA and become the youngest hacker/genius the world hs ever known.

Woah.... headache. I think my Sorceress powers are malfunctioning. I mean, hacking the CIA? I think thats impossible. Or they're so well they can see intothe distant future!

Hhhhmmm. .  . either way, if my hunches are right or not, I think this quarter's gonna be F-U-N.